The Mold Girl / Home Inspector in Charleston, South Carolina

Address: 1617 Juliana St Daniel Island SC 29492 United States

The Mold Girl is an environmental consulting company that addresses indoor air top quality problems. We focus heavily on mold assessments, which include mold inspection and also mold testing when needed.

Due to mold being a side effect of a moisture issue, we also concentrate many of our services around resolving moisture control issues, such as high humidity and water intrusion caused by poor property drainage and just how to adequately address water damage because of broken pipes and also plumbing leaks.

The Mold Girl was established by Liz Keefer, that was nicked called "The Mold Girl" by her industry peers for her knowledge of mold and her quirky individuality of just how she always brought an off-topic subject back to something pertaining to mold.


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