Trebor Home Inspections
Home Inspector in Charlottesville, Virginia

Thank you for choosing Trebor Home Inspections. My name is Robert Foster. As an inspector with over 30 years experience working in the home building industry, including an architectural degree, I bring an extensive knowledge base with me when I inspect your home. I provide unbiased recommendations you can trust during the inspection and after. My well documented and thorough inspection reports are easy to read with pictures, illustrations and color coded comments. When you hire me as your home inspector, you can consider me your home consultant for as long as you own your home. The inspection fee covers continued consultations about your home for as long as you own it.
Architectural Consultation
Available 7 Days A Week
Drainage Issues
Insulation & Ventilation Issues
InterNACHI Member
Licensed & Insured
Log Homes
Moisture & Water Infiltration Testing
New Construction Inspections
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