Art Neidich has been serving the needs of property
owners since 1983. Having grown up in a construction
family, learning hands on, he started at a young age.
Gaining extensive experience in the construction of
homes, commercial buildings and their systems and
components, Art has developed the skills necessary to
provide both buyers and sellers with knowledgeable
reporting that reflex accuracy.
After, some twenty years of hands on experience Art
Neidich began his career path in construction
management and quality control inspection. Having
served as a project/production manager and field
inspector for over ten years he has strengthened both his
education and inspection skills.
Art Neidich, through education and training has achieved
numerous industry designations, some of which; N.A.R.I. -
National Association of the Remodeling Industry
"certified Remodeler", HAAG Engineering - Certified
Commercial Roof Inspector, HAAG Engineering - Certified
Residential Roof Inspector, Firestone TPO Roofing
Systems Installer and Texas State Real Estate
Commission - Professional Real Estate Inspector Lic. # 10546