National Property Inspections / Home Inspector in Aurora, Illinois

NPI offers a full menu of services to both residential and commercial clients. Our most popular inspections include new construction, existing residential and commercial, multi-units, condos, manufactured homes, pre-listing inspections and 11th month inspections where new home warranties are about to expire.

National Property Inspections will be there to represent you! NPI encourages clients to attend the inspection and ask questions so they may be better informed about the property they're buying. Our computer-generated inspection reports with an easy-to-read summary can be delivered on-site.

My property inspection training and experience, combined with a background in sales, service, building and remodeling, help NPI provide our customers with the best property inspection services.

Why NPI?
Qualified Professional: Illinois State Licensed Home Inspector, #050000115, member of the National Association of Home Inspectors (NAHI-16561), and NAHI Certified Real Estate Inspector (CRI 2005201).
Exclusive Six-Month Limited Mechanical Warranty on residential mechanical systems and built-in appliances: NPI stands behind inspections in writing.

Fully Insured: We carry Errors and Omissions (E&O) and general liability insurance.

Professional Equipment: For more thorough inspections.

Prompt, dependable service, flexible scheduling: We accommodate your availability.

Locally owned and operated: A locally owned company backed by a national franchise name.

Experience: An attribute that money can't buy!

Training and Education: NPI inspectors are professionally trained and keep up-to-date on the latest building components and inspection techniques.

High Standards: Our inspections meet industry accepted standards. Feel free to ask about our Standards of Practice


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