Accutech Home Inspections / Home Inspector in Dayton, Ohio

Accutech Home Inspections LLC provides the greater Dayton Ohio area with inspection services using with the knowledge and experience gained from inspecting thousands of homes throughout southwestern Ohio. We were the first in Dayton to also use an Infrared Thermography camera as part of every home inspection. We are a Level 1 SIRC Thermographer.

We help clients by informing them to the conditions of the house which may include hidden problems. Accutech Home Inspections LLC is a trusted Home Inspection company that provides WDI inspections, chimney inspections, well quality and quantity testing, Radon testing, and are CRMI and CCMI certifed for mold and indoor air quality testing.

Choosing the right home inspector can be almost as important as choosing the right home. Why? Because many homes - even new ones - have defects that you may not notice. A skilled Home Inspection Professional such as Accutech Home Inspections LLC has the training and experience needed to look for visual signs of defects in your new home. These defects, if not detected and repaired prior to closing, can cost you, the new homeowner, thousands of dollars in repair bills. It is very important to know the true condition of the house, so you can determine its true value to you. I will not make the buying decision for you, but the inspection can provide you with the information needed to make the decision wisely. You will want to know: How many problems? How serious are the problems? What will it cost to correct them? and do I absolutely need to correct the problems or can I live with them?


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