Who We Are
A Accredited Mold Inspection Service, Inc. is a Florida corporation specializing in Florida mold inspections and diagnosing mold and moisture problems in residential and commercial properties throughout South Florida. Your local Florida mold inspector performs mold inspections and analyses in compliance with the standards of practice set forth by the Indoor Environmental Standards Organization. Because we function as an independent inspection firm and not as a remediation firm, we have no conflict of interest. We have only protecting your interest and your health as our concerns.
About the Mold Inspector
Your local Florida Mold Inspector is Daryl Watters. Daryl has a Bachelor's Degree in Education for Teaching Biology and General Science from Xavier University. He is a Certified Indoor Environmentalist (CIE # 01952)certified by the Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA) and a Certified Mold Inspector trained and certified by Certified Mold Inspectors and Contractors Institute (CMICI). He is also trained and certified in mold inspections by the Environmental Assessors Association (EAA) and Environmental Solutions Association(ESA).
Mr. Watters has 13 years of inspection experience, which includes three years as an Environmental Safety and Sanitation Inspector for the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and ten years as owner and operator of his home inspection firm, A ACCREDITED Home Inspection Service, Inc. Mr. Watters is a member of the Indoor Air Quality Association and the American Indoor Air Quality Council as well as the the National Association Of Home Inspectors, and has served two terms on the board of directors for the Home Inspectors Association of Florida. He has performed complete inspections on thousands of residential and commercial properties - from small, single-family homes, iniums, and town homes to multiunit investment properties, including large apartment complexes; in addition, he has also inspected multi-million dollar estate homes and commercial properties throughout all of South Florida.
Marian, his wife, has worked with Daryl full time for the last seven years, helping him run a smooth operation through office management and serving as a live contact person for the scheduling of inspection services over the telephone. To set up an appointment, just call Marian or Daryl at:
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